Protected zone “Vidima” is declared under the Habitats Directive, has a total area of 1 823.5 ha, falls within the scope of three municipalities, was declared in 2021 and has 4 designation objectives:
· Conservation and maintenance of natural habitats and habitats of species, their populations and distribution within the area, to achieve and maintain their favourable conservation status;
The improvement of the structure and function of 4 natural habitats;
Improvement of the habitats of the species: great crested newt, common bog turtle and spiny softshell turtle;
Enhance the condition or restore natural habitat types, species habitats and their populations where necessary.
According to Article 6 (1) and (2) of the Biodiversity Act, various habitat types are protected in the protected area, as well as numerous mammals, bats, amphibians and reptiles, fish, invertebrates and plants.
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