Phone: 02/940 66 73
Address: Municipality of Nikopol, village of Batsova Mahala and village of Sanadinovo
The Protected zone “Obnova - Karaman dol”is designated under the Habitats Directive and overlaps the protected area under the Birds Directive and was designated in 2021 with a total area of 107 508.1 ha. The zone is characterized by its old deciduous forest bordering the flood terrace of the River Osam, surrounded by slopes covered with steppe vegetation or xerophilous oak woodland. The flooded areas have been heavily modified by human impact but have very good potential for restoration. The zone is also important for the conservation of the area's mesic oak woodland, steppe habitats, fish and reptiles. It is home to many rare wild flora and fauna, while also acting as a migration station for birds.
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