The Protected zone “Nikopolsko Plato” has a total area of 22 246.4 ha and is located in the Danube Plain south of the town of Nikopol. It is bordered to the north by the Danube River and the town, to the west and south by the Osam River, and to the east by the Svishtov-Belene Lowlands, with the boundary between the villages of Dragash Voivoda, Byala Voda and Dekov. About 18% of the territory of the Nikopol plateau falls within the territory of the Persina Nature Park. The road from Svishtov to Nikopol passes through its territory. The majority of the plateau is occupied by agricultural land and xerothermic grasslands, and 92 breeding bird species have been identified on the territory of the Protected zone “Nikopolsko Plato” , of which 16 are included in the Red book of Bulgaria, and 43 species are of European conservation concern. The protected area has been designated under Directive 2009/147 (Birds Directive) and Directive 92/43 (Habitats Directive).
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