The rock church "St. Stefan" is located in the locality "Plavala", in the land of the town of Nikopol. It was declared in 1976 a historical site with the name "The Rock Church", with an area of 1 ha. The church is carved in limestone, on the walls abound old inscriptions and drawings from the era of the origin of Christianity (3-4 century). In 2003 it was recategorised as a natural landmark, its name and area being preserved.
It is believed that one of Christ's apostles Andrew served in this church on his way to the Black Sea via the Danube. The monastery complex probably dates back to the 10th-11th centuries, but only the church remains today. Carved on a cliff in the limestone above a steep slope, surrounded by fresh greenery, the site offers an unforgettable view of the river, and the hills above can even reveal a view of the Carpathians in clear weather.
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