Phone: 0722 60019; 0885 838380
Address: Tourist Information Center - 2000 Samokov, 34 Macedonia Street
In the area of Yavorova Polyana, above the village of Govedartsi is the first botanical route in the country - "Friends of plants". It was opened in 2002 and leads from the area of Yavorova Polyana to Urdin Circus. The route can be walked in 3 hours and gives tourists the opportunity to get acquainted with the main tree and shrub species, grasses and healing plants. A total of 9 viewpoints have been constructed, from which an average of over 60 species of higher plants can be observed, and the unique flora and fauna and the wealth of endemic species determine its high conservation value. The park is also the habitat of plant and animal species that are listed in the World Red Data Book, the European List of Rare, Threatened and Endemic Species, the Red Data Book of Bulgaria and species from the appendices of international conventions.
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